Warmest greetings to you!

Is there a part of you that is hurting and needs a safe place to address it? Therapy is your time to be heard, speak your heart, find greater ease with yourself, and learn to work with what might get in your way. Our work together would be based on your needs, goals and pace. I will coach you to explore your inner world, using a kind and caring lens. My goal is to encourage you to discover greater self-acceptance on your way. I will work to help you increase your connection to yourself and others and to find the strength and peace of mind to meet challenges. With compassionate listening and focused questioning you may break patterns and begin to move forward. You can learn ways to manage depression and anxiety so that you may thrive. No matter what has transpired in our lives these events are opportunities for greater understanding, growth and wisdom.

When we start working together, I will learn all I can about where you find yourself at this time in your life. I may ask that you complete some assessments to help begin the process. Over time, we will build a collaborative relationship building trust over time. We will define the issues that need the most attention and decide how you want to move forward. I will provide some ideas and together we will set goals. Let’s talk about how you want to feel, how you want to move forward in your life, and find ways to help you go there. You will come away with specific actions you can take to move forward.

A special welcome to people of color: As a White person of northern European ancestry, I want to extend a special welcome. My intention is to listen generously, to honor your experience and respect you at every stage of the therapy process. Where I may fall short I am committed to listening to you and working within myself to do better. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Why Compassionate Therapy?

Compassion works. Having compassion toward ourselves can be a healing act. It can help open us to our experience in a kind, calm, non-judgmental way. Looking at our experience through the lens of compassion, we can choose to look with curiosity and interest rather than with blame and judgment.